
Guide : Maggot BSF Farming - Black Soldier Fly Larva Cultivation

The use of black soldier fly or maggot black soldier fly (BSF) as a degrading agent for organic waste has begun to be developed to reduce the volume of organic waste. BSF maggot used to degrade organic waste also has a valuable protein source for animal feed to the alternative to conventional feed. BSF maggot that can be used as fish feed on an intensive aquaculture scale. BSF maggot is an alternative feed used as fish because it is rich in water, protein, fat, ash, and fiber content.   In recent years, the cultivation of Maggot Black Soldier Fly (BSF) has become an alternative for processing organic waste because it has no adverse side effects on the environment. Guide of larva maggot cultivation - Black Soldier Fly (BSF) BSF larvae can be an alternative to conventional feed. Feed formulations have been widely used, but the price is relatively high. BSF larvae can be fed with various foods such as kitchen waste, fruits, vegetables, liver, fish waste, urban waste, human waste, an...

Azalea Care Guide - Azaleas Indoor Plants

The evergreen azaleas bring a burst of color to the spring garden and are perfect for the humid southeastern US climate. You can find old Formosan or Indica types that have been left behind at old house sites and in graves just fine with little or no care. With cultivars ranging in size from 10-12' at maturity to tiny 1-2' like Gumpos and Chinsei (both are fine bonsai specimens) there are azaleas that do well in almost any garden. Colors can range from brilliant reds, pinks, whites, purples and even oranges as well as variegated shapes featuring stripes, spots, and picotees. For real yellows and golds, you should look at leaf types and rhododendrons. Flowering generally peaks in spring but some varieties like Watchet, Fashion and Red Ruffles are known to flower in fall as well as spring. With the right growing conditions, this naturally growing, vigorous, evergreen shrub will require a bit of maintenance once it grows well. Azaleas have a very fine fibrous root system and will ...

Guide to Starting Tilapia Cultivation - How to Grow Tilapia

Currently, tilapia is one of the most popular fish to be cultivated. Since ancient times, people have been growing tilapia on their farms. This farm is known as a commercially successful business. Like seaweed cultivation, this cultivation can change your destiny. There are several ways to cultivate this fish. Here we try to focus on the most profitable processes that will increase its productivity. Tilapia is a warm water, hardy fish. That's why it's easy to grow. Moreover, you can easily cultivate it in all kinds of fish farming systems. That makes it one of the best small-scale aquacultures from large commercial production to small backyard ponds. To start from scratch, it is necessary to have proper knowledge of tilapia fish farming , pond or tank design, water and feed management. In addition, it is necessary to have an adequate pond or tank design. This allows efficient water management. Your profit from this farm will depend on how well you can water the quality of the w...

Cabbage Farming Guide - Cabbage Cultivation

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var capitata) belongs to the family Cruciferae. Other member of this family include cauliflower, broccoli and pak-choi. Cabbage can be cooked or eaten raw as in salads and coleslaw. It is important for its food value since it is a good source of Vitamins B and C, dietary fibre and minerals. Cabbage can be grown all year round but does better when the nights are very cool (October to March). Just a few plants planted fortnightly will keep the home continuously supplied with this vegetable. Cabbage Cultivation Cabbage Varieties Varieties are classified according to the length of time taken to produce mature heads. Generally there are two types namely early maturing and late maturing varieties. EARLY MATURING VARIETIES Early maturing varieties produce smaller heads and mature between 60–65 days. Examples of early maturing varieties are: Tropicana, Fortuna, Blue Vantage , Supreme Vantage and Bravo LATE MATURING VARIETIES Late maturing varieties produce large head...

Onion Culvitation - Growing Guide

Garlic and perennial onions are alliums with similar growing and storage requirements. Under the right conditions it is a very productive crop, with a harvest 3-8 times greater than the amount planted. With proper care, this allium is self-sustaining, so it is perfect if you are interested in local food, permaculture, and perennials. Onion Varieties Potato Onions, Multiplier Onions, Shallots : (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) These perennial onions are planted whole in the fall or late winter and subdivide the following spring. Perennial Leeks : (Allium ampeloprasum) Easily propagated by divisions. Egyptian Walking Onions : (Allium cepa var. proliferum) These topsetting onions are grown primarily for their hardy greens. Elephant Garlic : (Allium ampeloprasum) closely related to leeks, the very large cloves are mild enough for eating raw. Hard-necked garlics : (Allium sativum var. ophioscorodon) produce scapes (hard-stemmed flower stalks that bear aerial bulbils) and have a variety of comp...

How to Start Black Bengal Goat Farming

Black Bengal is one of the important breed due to its high prolificacy, early maturity, low kidding interval as well as for their delicious meat and high quality black skin. The breed is locally known as „Deshi‟ Goat. It is normally distinguished from other breeds by its certain prominent physical characteristics, viz., small size, deep body, short legs, thin and shiny hair coat. Internationally the breed is famous as „Bengal Goat‟. The breed possesses different pure and mixed colours, amongst which black and black combined with mixed colours are most frequent with certain amount of regional variation. As a consequence the breed is often known as "Black Bengal". Black Bengal Goat - Breed Characteristics Physical characteristics: It is small-legged goat. Shoulder and hips are of equal height. Chest is wide with deep body. Body looks triangular from side in females, with heavier posterior region. This character is less prominent in males. Face is comparatively short in males wi...

Organic Vegetable Gardening & Farming - Techniques Guide

In agriculture, the word organic means “ food that is grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides or hormones. ” According to the USDA National Organic Standards Agency, organic farming : is an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activities; based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain or enhance ecological harmony; has the primary objective of optimizing the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil, plant, animal and human life.   Organic Vegetable Gardening As a component of organic farming, organic vegetable gardening promotes and enhances natural diversity and biological cycles in agriculture. Rather than relying on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, organic gardening is based on making the garden self-sufficient and sustainable. The National Organic Program (NOP),, defines or...