Azalea Care Guide - Azaleas Indoor Plants
The evergreen azaleas bring a burst of color to the spring garden and are perfect for the humid southeastern US climate. You can find old Formosan or Indica types that have been left behind at old house sites and in graves just fine with little or no care. With cultivars ranging in size from 10-12' at maturity to tiny 1-2' like Gumpos and Chinsei (both are fine bonsai specimens) there are azaleas that do well in almost any garden. Colors can range from brilliant reds, pinks, whites, purples and even oranges as well as variegated shapes featuring stripes, spots, and picotees. For real yellows and golds, you should look at leaf types and rhododendrons. Flowering generally peaks in spring but some varieties like Watchet, Fashion and Red Ruffles are known to flower in fall as well as spring. With the right growing conditions, this naturally growing, vigorous, evergreen shrub will require a bit of maintenance once it grows well. Azaleas have a very fine fibrous root system and will ...