Goat House Design For Goat Farming
Goats are ruminants, highly adaptable to various climate and environmental conditions with the ability to consume a whole range of plants and different type of fodder including browsing, forage, grains, legumes etc. Need good planning to build goat farming. Goat house design.
There is no universal goat technology that is applicable to all situations. Husbandry system will depend on climate, environment, availability of fodder, land resources, type of production, etc. However, there are recommendations which should be kept in mind before starting goat farming business and later, while running operations on farms.
Location for goat farms
Adequate location for the farm and its design has an important meaning for its organization and operation. Farms should be located on a dry place a bit higher than the surrounding area. Most appropriate location is one on the southern slopes protected from north cold wind during winter.
Farm should be accessible by road but not too close to human settlements. Grazing, browsing and harvesting areas should by located in vicinity of the farm. Outlet for animals should be oriented to south because of cold north winds.
Design of farms
Type and size of building will depends on size of herd, production purpose (milk or meat or both) and climate conditions. Available funds and decision to construct a new building or reconstruct the existing one should be kept in mind.
Goat house design
Goats are very adaptive animals and do not require expensive housing. Goats in BiH are raised in various systems: from extensive grazing and browsing to close confinement and housing, from almost Mediterranean Herzegovina to continental and mountainous areas. Whatever husbandry system or climate conditions, goats need protection from the basic elements. Goat house design.
Goats can tolerate cold weather, but should not remain cold and wet for long periods of time. They are sensitive to draft. During the summer months, it is important to provide a shady area with adequate air circulation. The primary need for housing is during kidding, especially if kidding occurs during cold weather.
Goat housing facility for goats should meet basic requirements such as:
- Relative humidity 60-80%,
- Adequate temperature for all categories of animals, especially for the kids
- Enough space for each category
- Height od side walls should be 2.5 m to 3 m
Flooring house
Dirt or stone floors are preferred to concrete. Slotted flooring is a good choice. Inside the barns pens should be bedded with straw or other absorbent material (poor quality hay, wood shavings) 10 cm if the floor is concrete. In the winter, the manure pack should be allowed to build up, as the decomposing layers provide a source of heat. Does can kid in large community pens. One pen is needed for every 10 does in the herd.
Oftentimes, existing buildings can be utilized to house goats, store hay and equipment. Producers can make almost any housing system work. Confinement housing, which can be completely enclosed as needed, is suitable in cold climates. Confinement housing allows close supervision of animals, but is more expensive than most other types of housing.
Manure handling
Goat housing should be designed with manure handling in mind. Removing manure with a front end will save labor. Composting of animal waste is a good choice as it reduces odors and fly problems. Composted manure is an excellent natural soil fertilizer which can reach a fairly good price in the market and realize additional income for the farm.
Ventilation goat house
Ventilation is an important aspect of animal housing, particularly closed housing. Poor ventilation can be detrimental to animal health and performance. Harmful gases (NH₂,CO₂, SO₂) and dust can cause respiratory problems, while temperature extremes can reduce animal productivity.
The purpose of ventilation is to provide the desired amount of fresh air, without draft, to all parts of the shelter; to maintain temperatures within desired limits; to maintain relative humidity within desired limits; and to maintain ammonia levels below specified levels.
Ventilation can be natural or mechanical. Natural ventilation systems move air through adjustable and fixed openings, such as windows and doors. Mechanical ventilation systems incorporate fans, controls, and air inlets and/or outlets.
Good ventilation should provide:
- 20 m3 ⁄hour of fresh air for each animal
- Speed of air should not be> 0,5m⁄sec
In order to provide enough natural light and proper ventilation, windows should constitute 10% of the total flooring area.
Construction material for goat barns
This will depend on availability of materials and its price. Wood is preferred to concrete blocks, clay brick is a good choice. Regardless of the construction material barns should provide enough space for animals, favorable conditions such as temperature and humidity and proper ventilation.
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